What is Ready, Willing & Able?

The Centre partners with RWA to provide and connect resources for employees and employers.

Ready, Willing and Able (RWA) is a national partnership of Inclusion Canada (formerly the Canadian Association for Community Living), Autism Alliance of Canada (formerly Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance (CASDA)), and their member organizations. Funded by the Government of Canada, RWA is designed to increase the labour force participation of people with an intellectual disability or autism.


As a national strategy to develop inclusive and effective labour markets, RWA will:

  • Connect and support employers, persons with an intellectual disability and/or on the autism spectrum and local, provincial and national community agencies
  • Promote understanding and awareness among employers and the general public as to the business value of hiring people with an intellectual disability and/ or on the autism spectrum
  • Complement and enhance the capacity of community employment service delivery organizations by connecting them to new employer demand


RWA provides:

  • Information about why hiring a person with an intellectual disability and/or on the autism spectrum is good for business
  • Individualized assistance to help you become a more inclusive employer
  • Assistance in identifying suitable candidates with an intellectual disability and/or on the autism spectrum to address hiring needs in your company
  • Disability awareness information and training for your current employees
  • Direct connections to community agencies who provide employment-related services and supports to job seekers with an intellectual disability and/or on the autism spectrum
  • Individual on-the-job support for the employee to do their job effectively, including disability related accommodations if and as necessary
  • Connections to other employers who have hired individuals with an intellectual disability and/or on the autism spectrum
  • Connections to available research, best practice and expertise in the field of inclusive labour markets


To learn more about RWA, contact Nicole at ngibbons@centreforautismab.ca.