Autistic Gender Minorites Supporting Each Other (AUTGEMS)

Make a difference in the lives of autistic gender minorities in the workplace!

We are looking for a diverse group of autistic women and non-binary people who have had employment experiences, whether good or bad, to be part of the second phase of an autistic-led employment project. This project is working to develop employment resources for a website to assist autistic women and non-binary people with their unique employment needs.

The Goal
Autistic women and non-binary people support each other to achieve employment and career goals.

You Are

  • A woman, non-binary person, or other gender minority
  • Age 18+
  • Diagnosed with autism/self-identify as autistic
  • Interested in exploring employment issues for women/ gender non-binary individuals on the spectrum
  • Willing to share your employment experiences
  • A resident of Alberta



  • Develop your leadership skills
  • Be part of a group of diverse individuals
  • Have your voice heard
  • Opportunity to create change
  • Honorariums

The group will meet monthly, either virtually or in-person, dependent on COVID-19 restrictions, and will wrap up by November 2022. Applicants are welcome from across the province; those living outside of the Edmonton area can attend meetings via Zoom.

Applications for AUTGEMS Phase II are now closed. We thank all applicants and interested parties for your enthusiasm.


Download the AUTGEMS Flyer

Together we can make a change in the lives of autistic women in the workplace. Let’s start today!

This project is funded by the Ministry of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women